Perfficiency has and continues to conduct analytical and commercial projects for Eddie Stobart since 2014.

Perfficiency are at the forefront of Eddie Stobart’s strategies when it comes to commercial modelling, data analysis and profitability analysis.

We have been involved in a variety of projects including:

Introduction of New Activity Based Costing Cost Model which is at the forefront of all of the quoting processes. The concept was designed to incorporate all fixed and variable costs into simple standing and running categories of which are then applied to the four core cost activities that make up their quotation costing model.

Cost Model Development to implement the Cost Model into Perfficiency’s Automated Cost Model and Quotation System Route Rater. Having seen the speed and efficiency benefits that Route Rater can bring, Eddie Stobart have invested into the system which now is used for all general transport quotations and tender prices.

Network Strategic Analysis. Perfficiency conduct the Strategic Network analysis for Eddie Stobart every quarter measuring their empty running, the changes from the previous quarter and the financial impact of the changes in terms of both profitability and also the change impact it has quotations going forward. This analysis is vital to the Eddie Stobart costing process.

Production of Profitability Analysis Tools & Reporting Suite. Following the activity based cost model introduction, Perfficiency were able to develop a profitability analysis tool which compares model parameters against actual parameters and therefore using the same ABC method, calculate profitability. The reporting system is so advanced, they are able to see profitability by customer, by contract, by lane and even by individual leg.

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BCA Automotive

Provision of continuous business Intelligence Services. Allowing BCA Automotive to stay ahead of their competitors

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AW Jenkinson Forest Products

Designed and Implemented a bespoke version Perfficiency’s Route Rater system allowing a faster sales process.

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The Logistics People

System’s review and development for the UK’s leading transport and logistics staffing & recruitment agencies.

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